Many farmers in Puerto Rico believe that the sugarcane variety B. 34104, although susceptible to mosaic, can produce more sugar than the current known commercial varieties, and that this variety recovers from the disease. Preliminary investigations by technical staff members of the Agricultural Experiment Station did not confirm this. A controlled experiment was carried out and the following conclusions were drawn: 1. Once the canes of variety B. 34-104 are infected with the common sugarcane mosaic prevailing in the Island they do not recover from the disease, and infected seed produces diseased plants. 2. There was a reduction of 29 percent in tonnage production in the plant cane crop and of 32 percent in the first ratoon crop attributable to the disease. 3. There was a difference of 26.7 percent in the production of 96° sugar per acre in the plant cane crop and of 41.7 percent in the first ratoon crop between the healthy and infected canes. 4. If B. 34-104 could be maintained free from mosaic it would produce about the same quantity of sugar as P.O.J. 2878, but a greater tonnage would have to be handled and processed, and profits would be lower.Downloads
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