Beef tastes and preferences In Puerto Rico


Beef consumption
Beef price
Beef attributes

How to Cite

Cartagena-Romero, N., Gregory-Crespo, A., & Pagán-Morales, M. (2016). Beef tastes and preferences In Puerto Rico. The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico, 100(2), 221–235.


Puerto Rico produced 12.7% of the per capita consumption of beef during 2010. We studied consumer tastes and preferences for beef in Puerto Rico and willingness to pay for locally produced bistec cut through a questionnaire designed for this purpose. Results showed that participants preferred chicken over beef and beef over pork. In addition, results showed that 31% of the participants preferred churrasco (skirt steak), but 84% buy ground beef. A question eliciting reasons not to buy locally grown beef was included; 31% of participants indicated price as the reason while 19% indicated availability. Results showed that 69% of participants are willing to pay more for locally produced beef.
