Sugarcane variety H. 328560 was grown for four crops on a Vega Alta clay at the Soils Farm of the Agricultural Experiment Station at Río Piedras to test four methods of handling the sugarcane trash. The methods of trash manipulation employed were as follows: 1, Trash aligned in alternate banks with a shallow furrow opened in the center of each clean bank; 2, trash aligned in alternate banks with no furrows opened in the centers of the clean banks; 3, untouched trash plus fertilizer applied at the base of each stool; 4, untouched trash plus fertilizer applied broadcast on top of the trash. The results with the three ratoons harvested revealed no significant differences in yields of sugarcane tonnage or sucrose per acre among the four treatments used. This indicates that, for cane growing in areas of sufficient rainfall in Puerto Rico, savings in labor costs can be obtained by not aligning the trash. Further savings in costs can be made by applying the fertilizer broadcast by machine over the cane trash. Leaving the trash untouched in the field is not recommended for cane varieties which are poor germinators or for irrigated cane.Downloads
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