Efficiency of Sulfur-Coated Urea and Potassium Chloride Compounds Applied to Stargrass Growing on an Ultisol under Humid Tropical Conditions

How to Cite

Abruña, F., Figarella, J., & Caro-Costas, R. (1976). Efficiency of Sulfur-Coated Urea and Potassium Chloride Compounds Applied to Stargrass Growing on an Ultisol under Humid Tropical Conditions. The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico, 60(3), 310–315. https://doi.org/10.46429/jaupr.v60i3.10523


The efficiency of various S-coated urea and KCl compounds applied to stargrass growing on an Ultisol under humid tropical conditions was determined. Applying N as urea in six applications yearly or in one application of S-coated urea compounds TV 1415 and 1255 resulted in higher recovery of fert ilizer N compared to urea in one application. Applying K as KCl in six applications yearly resulted in higher recovery of fertilizer K in the forage than when applied in one application. The various S-coated KCl compounds did not result in higher recovery of fertilizer K than did KCl in one application.



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