The productivity of 25 rice varieties was determined with moisture equivalent to about 13 cm (5 in) mo of well distributed rainfall. The short grain varieties produced similar yields, averaging 3,091 kg/ha (2,760 lb/acre) of unhulled rice. Among the medium-grain varieties, Vista produced 6,294 kg/ha (5,620 lb/acre) of unhulled rice and outyielded all but the Brazos variety. Among the long-grain varietes, LeBon net yielded 5,253 kg/ha (4,690 lb/acre) of unhulled rice, but did not significantly outyield the Venus, Galaxia, Morado Criollo, or Gema varieties, which yielded an average of 3.730 kg/ha (3,330 lb/acre) of unhulled rice. Average yields of long-, medium- and short-grain varieties were 3,640, 3,674, and 3,091 kg/ha, respectively.Downloads
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