Increase of Bovine Fascioliasis in Puerto Rico as Determined by Slaughterhouse Surveys

How to Cite

Frame, A. D., Bendezú, P., Mercado, H., Otiniano, H., Frame, S. J., & Flores, W. (1979). Increase of Bovine Fascioliasis in Puerto Rico as Determined by Slaughterhouse Surveys. The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico, 63(1), 27–30.


Surveys conducted at all the existing slaughterhouses in Puerto Rico during the period of 1973-76 showed that the prevalence of Fasciola hepatica in cattle steadily increased from 23.83% in 1973 to 31.76% in 1976. This increase was found to be even more dramatic when compared to the 1948-49 survey, where only 7.55% of the bovine livers were found to be infected. For the period of 1973-76, 1.76 million pounds of bovine livers were condemned. This represents a direct loss of over 1.584 million dollars for the Puerto Rican cattlemen in condemned livers alone, and multiple indirect losses for the local economy.
