Editor’s Letter: New Developments

University of Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico

Editor’s Letter: New Developments

Forum Empresarial, vol. 24, núm. 1, 2019

Universidad de Puerto Rico

Publicación: 30 Junio 2019

Editor’s Letter: New Developments

I am pleased to inform you that this year Fórum Empresarial became the first journal of the University of Puerto Rico (UPR) system to be a member of CrossRef and assign Digital Object Identifier (DOI) to its articles. CrossRef, an official DOI registration agency of the International DOI Foundation based in Oxford, UK, assigned the prefix of doi.org/10.33801 to Fórum Empresarial, a code that uniquely identifies the electronic content of the journal. All editions of Fórum Empresarial and all articles published from 1996 to the present now have their own DOI.

The new Fórum Empresarial website is already running on Open Journal Systems (OJS), version 3.0. This version of OJS provides new features and resources to use published articles and make the most of the metadata, such as graphic downloads per month and year, Crossref plugins, and Google Analytics, among others. On this page, authors who have published in Fórum Empresarial and Praxis@FAE will find the DOI of their articles and can copy them to be included in their curricula, persistent identifiers (e.g. Orcid), and academic social networks (e.g. ResearchGate).

Fórum Empresarial also recently became the first journal in Puerto Rico to publish its articles in the XML JATS standard; for this, the journal uses the Marcalyc tool from the Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America and the Caribbean, Spain, and Portugal (Redalyc, by its Spanish acronym). With this development, the articles may be accessed and displayed in four different formats: XML, PDF, HTML, and ePUB. Please visit Fórum Empresarial’s page in Redalyc (at https://www.redalyc.org/revista.oa?id=631), to access and peruse the articles in these formats.

As you can see on the Redalyc website, Fórum Empresarial’s internationalization index and editorial effort index rose to G23 and 0.24, respectively. It should be noted that this happened at the same time the rate of research articles published in the journal by authors from the school sponsoring Fórum Empresarial dropped to 28%, and the acceptance rate of the articles submitted to it generally fell to 25% in 2018. We are working to approach the average number of articles in business journals, and these results represent progress toward our goal.

Fórum Empresarial was evaluated and included in the information services BASE and Scilit, as well as Dulcinea under the ID 3388 and rating “Colour: Green.” Dulcinea is coordinated by the Universitat de Barcelona, the Universitat de València, and the Spanish National Research Council (the largest public research body in Spain and the third largest in Europe). It aims to identify and analyze the editorial policies of Spanish-language journals regarding access to documents and archives, copyright, and self-archiving or archiving in institutional or thematic repositories.

Over the past four years, we have developed a strategic editing and management plan to meet the criteria of quality peer-reviewed journals, as well as to increase the international projection, visibility, and utility of Fórum Empresarial. Table 1 summarizes the results of this effort, comparing the status of the publication in 2015, 2017, and 2019 in various elements of standardization. This work has improved the internal processes of the journal, strengthened its position in the region, and allowed it to be evaluated in specialized databases and prestigious indexes.

Table 1
Table 1 Comparison of Fórum Empresarial in 2015, 2017, and 2019
FormatPrintElectronic and printElectronic and print
EvaluationCIRC, Latindex (Catalogue), MIARCIRC, DOAJ, ERIH Plus, Latindex (Catalogue), MIARCIRC, DOAJ, Dulcinea, ERIH Plus, Europub, Latindex (Catalogue), MIAR
International indexesBusiness Source Elite, Business Source Premier, RedalycBusiness Source Elite, Business Source Premier, Dialnet, DOAJ, Google Scholar, PKP Index, Redalyc, RedibBASE, Business Source Elite, Business Source Premier, Dialnet, DOAJ, Google Scholar, PKP Index, Redalyc, Redib, Scilit
Memberships and profilesDRJICrossRef, DRJI, Latinrev, Publons
Acceptance rate65%50%25%
Source: Own elaboration.
Own elaboration.

Furthermore, thanks to the collaboration of the UPR Library System of the Río Piedras Campus and its automation personnel, the contents of Fórum Empresarial have been integrated into the metasearch service Summon by Proquest (http://uprrp.summon.serialssolutions.com/#!). Since the publication metadata are complete and updated, which influences the search and retrieval of information, this integration will increase the visibility, accessibility, and utility of the contents of the journal, which will be beneficial to the entire academic community.[6]

Fórum Empresarial encourages communication with and between authors, readers, and users of its website; to this end, we have made an Editor’s Blog available (at https://acarriontavarez.com/forum-empresarial). Here you can leave comments, links, and questions about the content and processes of the journal. The forum is moderated by the Editor-in-Chief, who personally answers any posts that we receive. We invite you to use this space, which is an extension of the journal’s website, as a means to exchange ideas and enrich the experience of the publication.



University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus

angel.carrion@upr.edu | https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0579-5829


© 2019 Fórum Empresarial. This is an open access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0).


Carrión-Tavárez, Á. (2019). Editor’s letter: New Developments. Fórum Empresarial, 24(1), 1–4.


[1] The information in this column shows the status of the journal as of June 30, 2019.
[2] MIAR states that the “ICDS (Secondary Composite Index Broadcasting) is an indicator that shows the visibility of the journal in different scientific databases of international scope, or failing in repertoires evaluation of periodicals. A high ICDS means that the magazine is present on different sources of information of international relevance.”


[3] The citations, h-index, and i10-index come from the Fórum Empresarial page on Google Scholar.
[4] Google Scholar indicates that the “h-index is the largest number h such that h publications have at least h citations.” The last column of Table 1 (2019) “has the recent version of this metric which is the largest number h such that h publications have at least h new citations in the last 5 years.” Retrieved from https://scholar.google.com.pr/citations?user=M90vjCQAAAAJ&hl=en (2019, July 15).
[5] Google Scholar indicates that the "i10-index is the number of publications with at least 10 citations." The last column of Table 1 (2019) “has the recent version of this metric which is the number of publications that have received at least 10 new citations in the last 5 years.” Retrieved from https://scholar.google.com.pr/citations?user=M90vjCQAAAAJ&hl=en (2019, July 15).
[6] This information was communicated to the editors of all the journals registered in the Portal of Academic Journals of the University of Puerto Rico by Dr. Carlos A. Suárez Balseiro, who manages this portal and the Puerto Rico Latindex Coordinating Center, via email on June 18, 2019.
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