Photographic postcards of the province of limón, costa rica. A transdisciplinary reading


Costa Rica
iconographic reading


From a set of five Costa Rican photographic postcards, although a few more examples will be taken into account, an iconological task is undertaken regarding these visual relics. While the images in these cards offer an iconographic testimony, the objective is to make a visual reading of them and subject them to an iconological analysis. As a working hypothesis, considering them documentary artefacts, it is possible to select information that makes possible their contribution to historical knowledge. It is imperative to articulate the concept of “iconology” as an interpretive reading that goes far beyond the simple description of an image without strictly adhering to that which is represented. The formulation of interpretations that go beyond the boundaries of the visible is, iconographically speaking, implemented as a practice that contributes to a richer, more acute historical articulation.



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