Sexo en las antillas: diáspora, tragedia y subversión un estudio comparado desde el punto de vista de la intersección de las opresiones


Literatura caribeña
literatura antillana


This article consists of a comparative study that covers most of the published work of Dany Laferrière, Junot Díaz and Jamaica Kincaid, three fundamental voices of the West Indian diaspora in North America. It is explicitly used in the urgent task of incorporating into the reflection about sex an analysis of the relations of oppression present in every sample of culture. The study is precisely driven by the relationship of the chosen sample (the Antilles) with the object of study (sex). Not in vain the Caribbean, in general, has been and continues to be the object of a remarkable cultural and economic production, both external and
internal, that revolves around sex. This article, inevitably inserted in that tradition of colonial origins, is an attempt in turn to critically
replicate it and to claim an alternative that assumes the complexity of interaction of the different oppressions.



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