Análisis de la optimización de la actividad turística: el caso de cuba


international business


A concern of tourism scholars and policy designers is how to measure the level of success of a tourist destination in its practice, especially when they have countries with homogeneous offers and different results. This is an issue that has been difficult to address. In particular, in studies involving countries of the so-called Third World because of how tourism models have been designed and implemented, the complexity of the activity itself, and deficiencies in the recruitment of data by government agencies.
In this paper, the case of Cuba was used as an example. Within the insular Caribbean, the largest of the Antilles has been the one that has shown one of the most vigorous advances in the practice of international tourism in the last 30 years. This research’s objective was to analyze the level of optimization achieved by Cuba in the international tourism business. That is, if it has been able to obtain the number of tourists and foreign exchange earnings that could be expected in relation to the investment efforts made. Also, what factors have influenced their results. The period selected for the analysis was between 2002 and 2013.



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